Names for types of gay men

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This is how a John Stevens from Bumfucke becomes Estaban Saint John, who will haughtily correct you that it’s pronounced “Sin Jin. Many gay men I have known use “fake names” publicly that differ from their legal name, and the fake name is always very cosmopolitan, or carries connotations of higher classes or exoticism. Liam is another, but it's also a traditional nickname in the Anglosphere outside of the US. Also “backwards” nicknames like Xander instead of Alex or Topher instead of Chris.

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More recently I think the stereotype of using nonstandard spellings as R3 mentions is more accurate. So I actually know a straight Jonathan and a straight Michael, but they’re a generation younger than me. There was also a trend a couple decades ago among some upwardly mobile types to give kids old-fashioned sounding names and not use nicknames. This stereotype is becoming less reliable as younger guys have less hangups and sometimes like old-timey stuff in reaction to their parents. Jonathan is another as seen in this thread. Considering how large the fade area is, the high fade is among the boldest taper haircuts. It’s an excellent choice for guys who want a tight undercut and a longer top. Firstly, we have the high fade haircut for men. Mike, Bill and Steve are straight, Michael, William and Stephen are GaygayGAY. Now, we’ll break down a few of the most common types of fade haircuts. Full, complete first names are the well-known and rather tired old stereotype.

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